Pakistan Army commandos set a world record by running 60km

Captain Naveed of SSG Force broke the record set 30 years ago by covering the distance in 6 hours 28 minutes.

Pak Army Commando set a world record by running 60 km long, Captain Naveed of SSG Force broke the record set 30 years ago by covering this distance in 6 hours 28 minutes. The Special Service Group Force is portrayed as one of the best forces in the world. Every soldier and officer in the SSG Force undergoes the most rigorous training.

On several occasions in the past, commandos belonging to the SSG force effectively defended the homeland, during which they did not refrain from sacrificing their lives. Now Captain Naveed, who belongs to the same SSG forces, has set a very difficult record.

Captain Naveed broke a 30-year-old record. During the race, Captain Naveed also carried a bag weighing several kilograms on his back, yet he set the record. Have a worldwide reputation. Soldiers and officers of the Pakistan Army have also won many important awards at the international level.

The cat took her sick child to the hospital for treatment

In Istanbul, Turkey, the cat arrived at the hospital with her sick baby, where the medical staff immediately began treating the sick cat.

The veterinarian also examined the kitten after emergency medical personnel treated the kitten at the hospital on an emergency basis and ensured that both the mother and the baby were healthy.

Social media users praised the hospitality of the hospital staff.

An American woman's postcard sent to her brother reached her destination 33 years later

The postcard was sent for Christmas in 1987. The card was found while cleaning the post office in Corona Lockdown and was sent to Paul Wills. American media.

An American woman's postcard addressed to her brother reached her destination 33 years later. The postcard was sent on Christmas Eve in 1987. The card was found while cleaning the post office in Corona Lockdown and was sent to Paul Wills. According to US media, the postcard sent 33 years ago managed to reach its destination due to the lockdown of Code 19 epidemic.

Anne Lowell, an American woman, sent a postcard to her brother on Christmas Eve in 1987. But the postcard did not reach the destination for a long time. Didn't mention. Which lets them know if a card was posted.

But thirty-two and a half years later, when Paul Willis, a resident of San Francisco, California, USA, received a card sent to his sister, he called her.

Which surprised her.)







The chances of Eid-ul-Fitr moon sighting on May 25 are high in the country, Meteorological Department said

There will be 30 fasts this year and Eid-ul-Fitr is likely to be on May 25: Astronomers also released their report after the Meteorological Department.

The chances of Eid-ul-Fitr moon sighting on May 25 are high in the country. After the Meteorological Department, astronomers have also released their report saying that there will be 30 days of fasting in Pakistan this year and Eid-ul-Fitr is likely to be on May 25. Astronomy officials say the Shawwal moon is unlikely to appear on Saturday, May 23. The new moon will be born on May 22 (Ramadan 28) at 10:39 pm Pakistan time, May 23. In other words, the new moon will be less likely to appear on the 29th of Ramadan, while the weather will be cloudy in most parts of the country on this day.

The new moon is unlikely to appear on Ramadan on May 29, while the weather will be cloudy in most parts of the country on that day.

In other words, this time there is a possibility of 30 days instead of 29 and Eid-ul-Fitr may take place on Monday, May 25. However, the decision will be taken in the meeting of the Ruwit-e-Hilal Committee which will be held on May 23. It happened on Saturday, April 25th.

A meeting of the Ruwit-e-Hilal Committee was held on April 23, after which Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman announced that the moon was not visible, saying that no evidence of the moon was received from any part of the country, including Peshawar, so it was decided by consensus. Ramadan will be on Saturday, April 25. Apart from the committee members, the meeting was also attended by meteorologists and for the first time a representative of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, Ramadan began on April 24 and Eid al-Fitr is likely to take place there on May 24. On the other hand, the State Bank of Pakistan has banned the issuance of new currency notes for Eid al-Fitr. Current and former employees will not be able to get new currency notes. According to a statement issued by the State Bank of Pakistan, the situation arising from the corona virus and the security measures taken by the banks in the meeting of the Bank Committee chaired by the Director General of Banking and FRFM. It has been decided that new currency notes will not be issued for current and former employees of the bank, including the public, on Eid-ul-Fitr this year.

Tatbikatlar sırasında, tekne yanlışlıkla bir seyir füzesi tarafından vuruldu ve 18 ceset kurtarıldı

İran ordusu tarafından dostane ateş, füze saldırısı 40 askerini öldürdü

Pazar günü Arap Körfezi'ndeki Jassak kıyısına yakın tatbikatlar sırasında yanlışlıkla İran donanmasından bir füze ateşlendi ve üst düzey subaylar da dahil olmak üzere en az 40 İran askeri öldürüldü. Gemi kazara bir seyir füzesi tarafından vuruldu.

Bir füze vurduğunda tekne alabora oldu ve gemide en az 40 asker öldü. 18 tanesinin cesetleri kurtarıldı.

İran ilk olarak 2010 yılında Jamara savaş gemisini başlattı. 95 metre uzunluğundaki uçakta ayrıca gelişmiş iletişim sistemleri, savaş sensörü ve helikopter iniş platformu bulunuyor.

Benzer bir hata, Tahran'daki Devrim Muhafızlarının Ukraynalı bir yolcu uçağına bir füze ateşlediği ve gemide 176 kişinin öldüğü 8 Ocak'ta İran'da da yapıldı.

Iranian Army Friendly Firing, Missile Attack Kills 40 of Its Soldiers

During the exercises, the boat was mistakenly hit by a cruise missile, and 18 bodies were recovered.

A missile accidentally fired from the Iranian navy during exercises near the coast of Jassak in the Arabian Gulf on Sunday, killing at least 40 Iranian soldiers, including senior officers. The ship was accidentally hit by a cruise missile.

The boat capsized when a missile struck, killing at least 40 soldiers on board. The bodies of 18 of them were recovered.

Iran first launched the Jamara warship in 2010. The 95-meter-long aircraft also has advanced communications systems, a warfare sensor and a helicopter landing platform.

A similar mistake was made in Iran on January 8 this year when the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran fired a missile at a Ukrainian passenger plane, killing 176 people on board.

Fires blazing on the surface and flames boiling in the middle, the closest images of the sun came to the fore

London: British astronomers have released the closest transparent images of the sun in which the fire burning on the surface of the sun can...